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Jeff Dornik takes this episode of Let’s Talk Right Now into a deep dive with comparing Joe Biden’s America vs Donald Trump’s America. Taking a look at each of their platforms, we the voters can decide which America we want to live in!
When you look at what former Vice President Joe Biden wants to accomplish, we see a bunch of big government, authoritarian ideas. Practically, we are seeing that if the Democrats get their way, they’ll give illegal immigrants the right to vote by making them citizens, lower the voting age to 16, give felons the right to vote and make Washington DC, Puerto Rico and the Samoan Islands states. This will ensure Democrat power indefinitely.
Beyond that, they are pro-abortion up until birth… sometimes even after birth. The Democrats and Joe Biden are also for a nationwide mask mandate, as well as contact tracing. This will allow the Federal Government to know where you go, who you come into contact with and what you do with virtually every aspect of your life. Then you go into environmental regulations, higher taxes and horrific foreign policy. The Democrats taking power will be catastrophic.
Contrast that with the Pro-America loving president that we have with President Donald Trump. Our president sees America as being a nation of opportunity, not outcome. He wants to give us opportunity and then get out of the way to allow us to innovate ourselves. America is the greatest nation in the history of the world. If we want to prosper, we are going to have to work hard to Make America Great Again. That begins with re-electing President Donald Trump!