I had the honor of joining my good friend Dr John Diamond on his BriteonTV show America Unhinged. One of the most controversial things that we discussed was COVID-19, the “vaccines” and how to decipher what’s true and false in the heavily confusing “pandemic.”
What’s holding many back from voicing their concerns with COVID-19 and The Jab is the fear of being cancelled. This goes beyond just social media and Big Tech. How can we Cancel-Proof ourselves within our jobs, education, personal relationships or any other sphere of our lives?
That’s exactly what we’ll be talking about at the first Cancel-Proof Christianity Summit on September 25th in Ft Worth, TX. We have to understand that we are in a Cold Civil War right now in America. Our enemy is the progressive Marxist left. So why are we relying on them for virtually everything? Why continue to give our money to the very people who rip everything away from us?
There are many who are taking the mRNA injection for no other reason than they don’t want to lose their job, they want to go back normal life or they don’t want to cause tension in their family or circle of friends. Why not create solutions to these problems by creating a separate ecosystem?
Dr Bobby Lopez and I are implementing a plan to launch an alternative education system, which we’ll really be focusing on at the Cancel-Proof Christianity Summit. There will be a K-12 school and then what we are calling GateKeepers College. This will allow Christian parents to have options, choices and flexibility in their children’s education. We can also be more effective, time efficient and keep the cost down with our strategy.
This is just Step One in creating this alternative ecosystem. Next will come the church, the workplace and the arts. We could even create alternatives within media, politics and so many different spheres of our society. We plan on holding summits on each of these arenas and offering actual workable solutions to the problems.
But let’s bring things back full circle… or “let’s circle back” as Jen Psaki would say.
It’s clear that we are being lied to regarding COVID-19, the mRNA vaccines and so many different areas. We are being manipulated and lied to on a daily basis. The truth is not difficult to find out, you just have to read the primary source documents and then figure out how to explain it to people.
Unfortunately people are terrified of being labeled a conspiracy theorist and how that would affect their livelihood and the rest of their life. If we want to confront these controversial issues head-on, we need men and women that are not held back for fear of losing their careers, bank accounts or businesses.
This is where we have to focus on becoming Cancel-Proof as quickly as possible.
You can get your tickets for this event by visiting cancelproofchristianity.com. We’ll be offering registration for both in-person and livestreamining. The speakers include Jeff Younger, Jeff Dornik, Dr Bobby Lopez, Dr Mike Spaulding, Doni Anthony, Dr Paul Church, Pastor Sam Jones and Judd Saul.