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Mini AOC has become a celebrity within conservative circles, making comedic videos poking fun at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of the Democrats. It’s easy for people to forget that she’s still a 9 year old girl trying to get through school. On top of that, she’s dealing with the real-life ramifications of the COVID-19 tyranny coming from California Governor Gavin Newsom.
During this episode of Freedom One-On-One with Jeff Dornik, Ava explains how much her life has changed because of COVID-19. She shared how students are required to wear masks throughout the entire school day, both inside and outside. Desks have plexiglass installed in between students. Even recess has seen a change, with children being forced to social distance. She shared a story of how the students started playing “shadow tag” where they would “tag” each other’s shadows… until the school banned that game, as well, because of the required social distancing. This is clearly going to create fear and trauma among these students… which then leads us to wonder as to whether this is all intentional or not!
At the end of the interview, Ava insisted that Jeff ask her some “Big Politics” questions, which led to her explaining her views on taxes, the need to cut taxes, but still provide the proper fallbacks that only the government can provide. We need our youth of today to be as engaged in the political system as Ava is, beginning to develop their worldview so that when they become adults, they have a proper grasp of the role of the government and who is responsible for what.