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We all agree that 2020 has been the most insane year of our lifetime. However, looking back at what has transpired over the course of this year, some are asking the questions about whether it was all coincidence or a coordinated plan to destroy America. During this episode of Let’s Talk Right Now, Jeff Dornik breaks down the theory in detail, pointing out how plausible it is that 2020 is on big giant conspiracy theory coming to fruition!
Kicking off the year with the impeachment of Donald Trump, followed by COVID-19, the lockdowns, Black Lives Matter & Antifa riots and looting, followed by Mail-In ballots which led to the the Rigged Elections of 2020. The Mail-In Ballots were justified by the lockdowns created by COVID-19. Could this have all been a part of the plan from Day 1?
Many will condemn this podcast as nothing more than conspiracy theory. But, as Dr Mike Spaulding often says, a conspiracy is only something that is done in secret. So theorizing about something sinister that is done in secret is not a bad thing at all! The only way that we can get the answers we seek is to ask questions posed through theories regarding what is really going on. Silencing questions is denying transparency, and that’s exactly what the Left is doing!
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